simulated spectrum

英 [ˈsɪmjuleɪtɪd ˈspektrəm] 美 [ˈsɪmjuleɪtɪd ˈspektrəm]

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  1. According to Doppler theory, simulated echo signal comprise the corresponding Doppler Spectrum, then ocean current velocity can be simulated.
  2. A torpedo motional noise simulated method base on frequency spectrum sampling arithmetic
  3. Reliable simulated sunlight, the full spectrum of test materials, ageing resistance performance.
  4. An auto spectral density model is derived from the spectral analysis to the ice load data. The load spectrum is between narrow and wide band and can be simulated by Neumann spectrum.
  5. Simulated test on laser induced autofluorescence spectrum of tissue
  6. The author simulated several common linear power spectrum estimates by making use of powerful MATLAB. Moreover, in this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of these methods are discussed from the point of view of experiment for proper applications.
  7. Simulated the spectrum of copolymer by added the spectrum of the monomer.
  8. This calculation was based on the Monte Carlo simulated primary X-ray spectrum, and the formula of Klein-Nishina was used for the calculation for the scattered spectra mainly scattered from primary collimator and energy spreader.
  9. Harmonic frequency points are decided by MP exactly and are curve-fitted by quadric polynomial. The corresponding harmonic amplitudes are simulated by LPC spectrum envelope.
  10. The Synthesis and Correction of Simulated Earthquake Wave on Hydraulic Design Response Spectrum
  11. Finally, using Monte-Carlo method, we simulated the randam rough ( 1D) surfaces with Gauss spectrum, and the new method is applied to data from simulating surfaces.
  12. Compared with the simulated cluster systems, the efficiency of spectrum utility and the anti-fading ability of signal have been much improved in the digital cluster systems.
  13. In this paper the moving process of electrons injected into anode is simulated by Monte Carlo method, and the radiation energy spectrum, angle distribution in positive rod plate gap with different voltage and different electrod materials are calculated.
  14. An arbitrary spectrum was simulated by the least squares fit, using the D-T spectrum and the 200# spectrum as known spectra.
  15. The simulated calculation for the spectrum error of radiation instruments in dissemination of a quantity
  16. The simulated signals are then processed by coherent integration and spectrum analysis.
  17. This paper has introduced the principle and method of the simulated test on equivalent pavement roughness spectrum, and roughly analysed the experiment results and their errors.
  18. Finally, when there were eight WDM optical input signals, using the black box model and two level model respectively, we simulated the amplified optical spectrum.
  19. Objective To investigate the influence of simulated heart motion on the Doppler spectrum velocity-time integral ( VTI) of simulated blood flow measurements through an in vitro model.
  20. The simulated spectrum converges upon the given target spectrum in all three directions.
  21. The test for simulating load spectrum of bridge was done, comparison of the infered load spectrum by means of the electrical resistance changes of two fatigue life gage with the simulated load spectrum showed reasonably good agreement.
  22. Corrosion behavior of copper in a simulated rainwater of Stockholm area was studied by electrochemical impedance spectrum and polarization curves.
  23. Choosing the BFEL parameters, we simulated the effects on FEL spontaneous spectrum due to field errors, and obtained the acceptable condition of all kinds of field errors in undulator.
  24. According to the simulated results, the power spectrum of ARMA model is more accurate than that of AR model, which is more suitable to reflect the feature of speech signal. ( 4) ARMA model is used in CELP.
  25. Finally, this paper has studied and simulated the scheme that applies the new algorithm to cluster-based cooperative spectrum sensing.
  26. Simulated results for white and UV LED spectrum signal using this software give corresponding optimal parameters spectra denoising.
  27. The performance of the proposed algorithm is simulated and verified. A cooperative spectrum sensing scheme based on two round cooperation is proposed.
  28. Dynamic responses of ballastless track are simulated with German railway spectrum of low irregularity as the irregularities of rail. The simulation results are compared with the experiment results measured on comprehensive experimental section of ballastless track on Sui-Yu Railway Line.
  29. Through the radiative transfer model, a data set that is simulated accurately can be built which contains different spectrum, aerosol types, and optical thicknesses.